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Pen Wraps


Most pen wraps on the market nowadays are designed around full-size pens. If you try to use those wraps with a pocket pen, you end up digging around blindly for the pen when you try to get it out. Enter: my pen wraps. They are designed such that you can easily see and pull out a pocket pen without all that digging. Due to the stretchy nature of the knit fabric, they will also fit full-size pens. These pen wraps roll up and secure using buttons and a button flap. The buttons and button flap can also be used to link several of these wraps together in a modular fashion.

Pens shown for scale (left to right):
Esterbrook Purse Pen
Pilot Prera
Lamy 2000

All pen wraps are hand knit using an original pattern, designed by me. They were knit primarily using handspun yarn, spun my be.